Welcoming beginners to Aikido

Now is the time to begin your Aikido journey… get fit and learn new skills! Our Beginners’ Program for teens and adults makes it simple.

First, take a free trial class to decide whether Aikido is right for you. Just let us know in advance if you would like to register for a trial class.

Next, sign up for the Beginners’ Package, which includes:

• three month of classes*

• a gi (uniform) and

• one annual membership in the Canadian Aikido Federation.

The cost is just $300 (HST included).

Train three times per week. Beginners can practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 PM and Saturdays at 10 AM.

The dojo is conveniently located in North York at 850 Magnetic Dr., near Steeles and Dufferin.

Just let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

COVID notes:

The dojo will observe all government and CAF regulations regarding the pandemic.

Any member feeling ill must not attend class. Any member exhibiting signs of illness will be asked to leave the class.

All members must obey the instructions of the class instructor, which could include wearing masks on the mat, social distancing on the mat, restricting practice to a single partner during the session, solo practice on the mat and leaving the class if apparently ill etc.

*If the dojo is required to close during the pandemic, all beginners’ dues will be frozen until we reopen. If the dojo is closed, our schedule of Zoom classes will be increased.