Schedule and Fees

Current schedule

Tuesday: 7:15 – 8:15 PM, regular; 8:15 – 9:15 PM senior

Thursday: 7:15 – 8:15 PM, regular; 8:15 -9:15 PM, jo/bokken

Sunday: 10-11 AM, beginners; 11-12 PM, senior

Email us for updates.


All students must be members of the Canadian Aikido Federation. Dues are currently $50.00 per year ($30 for youths), collected in the Fall.

All beginners must join the three-month beginners’ program (includes a uniform and membership in the Canadian Aikido Federation.)

Please address all Interac payments to

(We also accept cash and cheques at the dojo.)

Effective April 1, 2023

Beginners’ program$300$250N/A
One month$100$85$70
Three months$260$225$135
Six months$450$400$240
One year$850$750$440

*Students are defined as full-time students at high schools, universities or colleges (NOT otherwise employed or casually employed.)

** Children’s classes are not currently available.

All fees include HST. Dues are payable in full, in advance only, no matter how often the student is able to practice. (In cases of extended absences of greater than one month, you can arrange to “freeze” your membership status by prearrangement only.) No discounts other than those described here will be made for any reason.

Trial classes: You can take one free trial class to decide whether you want to join the dojo. Please prearrange your trial class to get more information.

Visitors: members of other Hombu-affiliated dojos may join practice at a mat fee of $20 per day. Please let us know in advance  that you intend to visit.

Fees are subject to change without notice.